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Menopause is a natural process and it is a journey that women will come through. Some have very few or even no symptoms and their periods simply stop happening. However, for the majority of women it can be a pretty tough time. Around 80% of all women experience several symptoms.


Everyone’s Menopause journey is as unique as they are, and it can have a profound impact on your life, and can really affect your relationships with your partner, family and work colleagues.

It is important to take on board that Menopause is not just a phase; women will spend up to half their life in Menopause, and it is therefore important that Menopause becomes part of your healthy ageing journey.

So, as we transition from perimenopause to menopause to post-menopause, we need to embrace this as a time for us to pause and reframe and decide who we want to be for the rest of our lives, and to make plans for how we can achieve it.

This may mean lifestyle changes need to be made to help ensure that we transition through to healthy ageing.


There are however, times when we may need a little bit of extra support, and choosing Reflexology can be a wonderful way to smooth this journey.

Research studies have shown that Reflexology may be effective in decreasing night sweats, sweats, and hot flushes; reduce depression, and is an effective treatment for sleep disorders in menopausal women.

How often do I need to have Reflexology?

As with all complementary therapies there is a cumulative effect so if you are able to have a few treatments close together you should see quicker results.


In an ideal world I would recommend 4-6 treatments, a week apart; and then a couple fortnightly with the aim to continue with monthly treatments for top-ups.

I do appreciate that it is not often an ideal world so I will work with what suits you best. Even monthly treatments can be beneficial.

This does mean that there needs be some commitment to booking a few treatments to see the full effect of how you will benefit from Reflexology.

Everybody responds differently to Reflexology. The only way to know how you will benefit is to try it!

What the Research Say

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